Due to unforeseen circumstances Ann is unable to take on future work and all current clients have been notified via email.

Pre World War One Research

Facts uncovered and mysteries solved

What Does My Service Include?

Army 1730-1913

I can search for and supply copies of a man’s Military records, which will give a summary of his Army career.  Medal records and pension records can also be supplied, to add to the picture of a man’s service.

Officers can also be researched​.

I can search surviving Muster Rolls for a man’s Regiment if he served in the British Army between around 1730 and 1898, amongst the National Archives military records. Muster Rolls give a quarter by quarter account of where a man was serving and when, include disciplinary and medical matters, details of promotion and demotion, dates of enlistment and discharge, and can provide information on a man’s birthplace.

They are a highly useful source for providing details of a man’s service and act as a very informative addition to a soldier’s service records.

Royal Navy

I can search for and supply copies of a man’s service records, medal records and his entries in Ships Musters.

Please contact me if you would like me to research any of the above.

Photos courtesy of WFR Museum


Highly Recommended By Regimental Museums In The UK

The Sherwood Foresters

The Worcestershire Regiment

Kings Own Scottish Borderers

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