Pre World War One Research
Facts uncovered and mysteries solved
What Does My Service Include?
Army 1730-1913
I can search for and supply copies of a man’s Military records, which will give a summary of his Army career. Medal records and pension records can also be supplied, to add to the picture of a man’s service.
I can search surviving Muster Rolls for a man’s Regiment if he served in the British Army between around 1730 and 1898, amongst the National Archives military records. Muster Rolls give a quarter by quarter account of where a man was serving and when, include disciplinary and medical matters, details of promotion and demotion, dates of enlistment and discharge, and can provide information on a man’s birthplace.
They are a highly useful source for providing details of a man’s service and act as a very informative addition to a soldier’s service records.
Royal Navy
I can search for and supply copies of a man’s service records, medal records and his entries in Ships Musters.
Please contact me if you would like me to research any of the above.